About Us

When it comes to health, we are your trusted advocates.

Serving Endeavour Hills and surrounding suburbs, Joseph Banks Medical Centre has the goal of providing highly personalised, quality medical care. We are part of the Advocate Medical Group, a boutique group of GP owned, quality medical practices in Melbourne.

We rely on word of mouth referrals for growth, which is why we strive to provide highly professional services to all patients who attend our clinic.

Our Mission

From babies and children through to seniors, we aim to provide comprehensive family medical care for the local community.

The name Advocate was chosen for the group of practices to remind our clients and staff that we strive to be ambassadors for our patients as they navigate Australia’s often complicated healthcare system.

At Joseph Banks Medical Centre, you can be assured you will receive a compassionate ear as well as the very best advice for your family’s healthcare concerns.

Our Environment

The staff and team at Joseph Banks Medical Centre aims to foster the following environment:

  • Family friendly
  • Respectful to all
  • Clean and hygienic
  • Sympathetic and understanding
  • Compassionate and caring

Our Team

As a GP owned and run clinic, we offer the services of 8 regular doctors all of whom are graduates from Australian medical schools and have received specialist general practice qualifications. We are an accredited teaching practice and have doctors undergoing specialist training in General Practice rotating through the medical centre every six months.

Contact us to make an appointment with one of the following General Practitioners:

Male Doctors:

  • Dr Sam Guimmarra (MBBS, Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Speaks Italian)
  • Dr Graeme Downe (MBBS, Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
  • Dr Charles Hamilton (MBBS, Grad. Diploma in Social Science (Drug Dependence)
  • Dr Ivan Ng (MBBS, FRACGP, Post Grad. Diploma in Exercise Rehabilitation; Speaks Chinese)

Female Doctors:

  • Dr Imalka Wettesinghe (MBBS, FRACGP, Diploma in Child Health, Diploma in Dermatology; speaks Sinhalese)
  • Dr Krysia Debicki (MBBS, Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Speaks Polish)
  • Dr Melissa Monkivitch (MBBS, Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
  • Dr Melissa Gomez (MBBS (Monash – HONS), FRACGP)

As well as our experienced team of GPs, we employ positive, welcoming administrative staff who will always do their best to accommodate your needs.

Opening Hours

Joseph Banks Medical Centre is conveniently located outside of the suburb’s main business and retail area, meaning there is ample free on-site and off-site parking throughout the day. We have disabled parking and access.

The clinic’s doors are open from:
Monday: 8:30am – 5:30pm  
8:30am – 6.00pm
Wednesday: 8:30am – 5:30pm
Thursday: 8:30am – 5:30pm
Friday: 8:30am – 6.00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Booking an appointment

At Joseph Banks Medical Centre, we have a wide and very loyal patient base. It is best to make an appointment in advance, however we will always endeavour to accommodate you or your children at short notice and rarely are we not able to provide you with a same day appointment.

Contact Us

Make an appointment today by calling 03 9700 2281 or Book Online